鲍威尔在现场采访中对NPR的“早晨版”说:“随着人们在实现目的方面取得更大的进步,人们将逐步减少所购买的美国国债和抵押贷款支持证券的数量。随着时间的流逝,人们将逐步实现晶莹化,并在经济发展几乎良好复原之时,撤回人们在紧急时期提供的支持。” (“As we make substantial further progress toward our goals, we‘ll gradually roll back the amount of Treasurys and mortgage-backed securities we’ve bought,” Powell told NPRs “Morning Edition” in a live interview。 “We will very gradually over time and with great transparency, when the economy has all but fully recovered, we will be pulling back the support that we provided during emergency times。”)